Gann DNA Project

Family Tree DNA


We have a DNA project studying the Y-DNA in order to help verify and establish lineage of the Ganns from a common ancestor Samuel Gann (1705-1762).

Many members are also uploading their DNA test results into GEDmatch in order to compare autosomal test results.



Below is Joy Gann Brown’s 2016 DNA Report.



Gann Surname Research from OriginsDNA:

 Gann Historical Society Research – Phase 1 


R-Z154 Haplogroup Research from OriginsDNA:

Gann Historical Society Research Phase 2



R1b-S21 U106- updated 2016 tree

Structure of R1b U106 Subclade

U106 Migration Map

S21 U106


Branches of U106U106 family treeU106 timelineU106 subclade distribution

Gann Haplogroup

Gann Haplogroup R-Z154


A Guide to Understanding Your DNA Test